How to Rock a Bold Lip

If you follow runway beauty trends, you might have noticed that bold lips are back. And just in time, too—what other beauty option goes so well with mugs of hot cocoa, enchantingly chilly nights and holiday frocks?

Like any great trend, a brightly-hued lip is not one-size-fits-all. The secret to successfully incorporating it into your beauty repertoire is to find the variation that works best with your life and your style.

Begin by identifying your perfect shade. At least for purposes of getting started, it’s worth adhering to the old rule of thumb: those with yellow or olive undertones should gravitate toward warmer reds (think brick reds, oranges, and corals), while those with pink undertones should reach for cool reds like cranberry or watermelon red with tones of blue and violet.

bold lip - aveda makeup

Source: Aveda

(Now, that being said—some beauty rules are worth breaking. We’ve seen plenty of ladies rocking a red that flies in the face of the play-by-undertone rule. And who are we to deny the incredible teeth-whitening powers of a violet-hued red to those blessed with olive skin?)

Tool in hand, move on to conquering the proper technique. This Aveda tutorial begets fantastic results, so we broke it down with additional tips. (Plus, we know from experience that you can only pause and rewind so many times before losing patience.)

  1. Prep lips with Aveda Nourish-mint Renewing Lip Treatment or a similar moisturizing product, because believe us when we say the Iowa wintry air struggle is real—and flakiness is not your friend.
  2. Using Nourish-mint Lip Definer, carefully outline and fill in your lips. Aside from the obvious—defining your lips—this will extend wear and prevent feathering. (P.S. We know it’s common amongst certain influential celebrities—we’re looking at you, Kardashian/Jenners—to create the illusion of volume by lining beyond your natural lip line. Our advice? Pass. Don’t run before you can walk.)
  3. Grab your newfound signature shade, and, using a lip brush, fill in your lips with color. A brush (we love Aveda’s Envirometal Retractable Lip Brush) might seem unnecessary, but trust us—you’ll be able to achieve a level of precision you previously thought impossible. If you don’t have one on hand, try applying with a damp cotton swab. Wetting it first will keep the cotton fibers from adhering to your lips.
  4. Using an angled brow brush, refine the edges of your mouth with concealer. This helps you create that super clean line that takes your lip look to the next level.
  5. Finish by adding a touch of Nourish-mint Rehydrating Lip Glaze in the center of your lower lip. The shine will help the color pop and your lip appear fuller.
  6. Don your most fabulous outfit and walk out the door with your head held high. You are now invincible.

Ready to get started? Come by Belle Salon & Spa and start testing colors. One of our makeup specialists will be more than happy to help—and reminisce about our first lipstick love.



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